Online Webinar IMay 21st
1. Iceland Philosophy: "What do we mean by embodied critical understanding? Introducing Focusing and Thinking-at-the-Edge (TAE) –listening exercises, felt dimension of concepts." May 28th 2. Aarhus Anthropology: "Anthropological approaches, contemplative practice, Micro-phenomenology." June 4th 3. Ljubljana Cognitive Science: "The challenge of first-person Inquiry. Introducing Phenomenological Observation." June 11th 4. Bielefeld Gender studies: "Experiential Gender Research: Applying experiential listening skills and experiential thinking attitudes (E.T. Gendlin)." June 18th 5. Groningen Cognitive Science: "Research on Mindfulness and Mindwandering." June 25th 6. All teachers: "Conversation: Why TECTU in times of polycrisis? Reflecting our approaches." |
Online Webinar IISeptember 17th
7. Israel Environmental design: "Environmental immersion and designing from a felt sense. Why does it matter?" 7p-practice, September 24th October 1st 8. Iceland Philosophy:"Re-thinking critique in terms of transformative practice. Deepening Thinking-at-the-Edge." 8p-practice October 8th October 15th 9. Ljubljana Cognitive Science: "Horizons of understanding. Understanding the challenge involved." 9p-practice, October 22nd October 29th 10. Aarhus and Groningen Anthropology and Cognitive Science: "Anthropology and contemplative practice – what is at stake? Challenges of mindful approaches to researching the mind." 10p-practice, November 5th November 12th 11. Bielefeld Gender Studies: "Understanding the fluidity of gendered lived experience: Applying the experiencing scale (E.T. Gendlin et al.)." 11p-practice, November 19th November 26th 12. Iceland Philosophy: "How is the skill of attending to lived experience and think-from-here to be considered a trans-disciplinary philosophical practice? Summary of the course. Preparation for presentations / students get the stage." |